Friday, May 25, 2007

Punchlines - Plato !

AJAY - Confident and surprises everyone by his play

DIVYESH - Believes in playing safe, confident and makes a few mistake.

LAXMAN - Point winner, awesome service, cool customer, professional.

MAULIK - Enthusiastic and will be a surprise package.

MITESH - Good underarm, plays safe, could play at any position.

NATWAR - Love smashing, believe in winning points,emotional,
passionate, improving at every game.

NIRAJ - banana service expert, plays intelligently, quick on the
court, handles one side of the court completely.

NANDISH - play maker,enthusiastic, knows all the tricks and trade of
the game.

PALLAVI - Highly spirited, passionate and her loud cheering makes the opposition really nervous

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