The champions are crowned. Copernicus.
They won against Zeno with 3 - 15, 15 - 6, 15 -9, 15 -11.
Copernicus were crowned by the CEO, Mr. Pratul Shroff.
Copernicus remain unbeaten through out the championships. As they say, there can only be one winner.
But there are no losers. Each team fought well and fought hard.
Before the final battle, there was "friendly fire" amongst the Coaches and the Champions.
The Champions won 15 - 13.
This championships is a celebration of team spirit of eInfochips. A big thank you to all.
It could not have been possible without the support of the top - level management.
They encouraged all of us to go ahead and do the tournament.
The much abused but totally committed HR.
They spell support and money for us.
The Admins and the office boys who were the logistics back bone for us.
Without them, there was no volleyball.
The eVolleympics organizing committee.
They took time off from their schedules so that this tournament equals success.
The most important of all, You, the chipmate !
You who participated in this championships.
You who cheered for your team.
You who voted and followed the whole eVolleympics.
You who forgave all our shortcomings and failures.
You who were there when it mattered the most.
To borrow a cliche, indeed there is no success without U.
We don't believe that this is the end. We know we will be back next year. With eVolleympics'08.
The practice begins from next Sunday @ 7:30 AM MG Science College Ground.
See you there !
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